Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Port defends 'remote' risk of liquefied gas blast

Robin Turner
Western Mail

MILFORD HAVEN, ENGLAND- Port Authority yesterday released risk assessment reports on its controversial proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) importing complex.

The port authority, which had tried to keep the reports out of the public domain, claimed they showed LNG poses one of the lowest threats to the public and property compared to other chemicals.

One report, by a senior risk analyst at Lloyd's Register of Shipping, described the potentially disastrous consequences of a collision between an LNG ship and a ferry. The report said there would be "multiple fatalities" if such a collision occurred and leaking LNG was ignited.

The Port Authority said, "The report concludes those consequences might occur only in very particular and limited circumstances and conditions, which are extremely unlikely ever to happen. The report ends by saying it can be concluded LNG has specific parameters which make the likelihood of a major explosion remote."

In March, the Information Commissioner ruled some information was "environmental" and the documents should be made public. The Port Authority appealed.

The authority said, "On detailed consideration it has now decided to withdraw the appeal and to release the documents as directed by the Information Commissioner."

Chief executive Ted Sangster added, "We agreed to release these risk assessments now to save further legal proceedings. However, this does not mean our original decision not to release them is wrong. In total, they enable us to say with confidence LNG shipping can be handled safely and efficiently in the port."

Gordon Main, spokesman for campaign group Safe Haven said, "There is no evidence from these documents how, or if the actual hazards themselves have been quantitatively analysed in risk terms to the wider public."